Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Play First Work Later

 Last Monday I had the day off due to it being Columbus Day and being a government holiday and I had this whole list of stuff that needed done around the house. There were (okay still are!) about 10-12 loads of laundry that needed done, sink was full of dirty dishes, I still need to decorate the house for fall and I have really been wanting to tackle our gallery wall in our living room but I decided to put all of that aside and spend some quality time outside because it was gorgeous.

I ended up taking Tyson and going about 30 minutes down the road from our house to Blue Rock State Park and do some hiking. I had not been to Blue Rock since I was in elementary school and I went with a friend to go swimming in the lake. I typically do not go hiking without Anthony but the day was perfect and I really wanted/needed to out of here and just spend some quality time clearing my head and that is exactly what we did.

 Tyson isn't too patient when it comes to getting his picture taken
 Luckily we found some bathrooms 30 minutes into our hike. They weren't the best looking but when you gotta go you gotta go.

The drive ended up being gorgeous that after walking around I drove the long way home and ended up driving on the back roads for almost two hours. I had the windows down and the sun was shining and Tyson was having the time of his life just hanging his head out the window. 
This was really what I needed and I really need to remind myself to do fun stuff like this more often. 

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