Saturday, October 4, 2014

Blogtober Day 4 - My Favorite IG Photo

 I will always cherish this picture. I posted it 73 weeks ago. 
Tank will always be my first furbaby love. We had to say goodbye way too soon but the three years we got with this big boy will forever be etched in my memory. 
This photo was taken while I was in the middle of finals week along with planning our wedding in the last month before we tied the knot. I had a lot of emotions and I needed to clear my head. The two of us went and laid in the front yard at my Mom and Dad's house. We just laid there and picked at the grass and I talked to him about how life was about to change and we were going to be starting our own little family. 
Little did I know we would only 7 more months together but after all the I Do's were said and we got moved into our home the two of us spent so much time together!!! I remember laying there promising him that life would slow down and we would be able to go for more runs and just sit on the front porch and we did just that!!!

Helene in Between

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