Tuesday, January 29, 2013


blizzardy conditions on Friday, schools were having early dismisals and then today it supposed to be in the 60's and people are busting out their flip flops and shorts. Welcome to Ohio! Where it truly is snowing one day and summery the next!
Friday I had to work in Newark and we ended up closing early because it was snowing so bad and then the county got put on a level two so I was driving home in all of it. The roads in Newark were crazy!
 Saturday Night I was cravinf wings from BW3's but Anthony and I didn't feel like getting dressed up to go in there to eat so we did carry out and ate them at home on the comfy couch. 
They were so good and I was wishing we had ordered more
 Sunday was spent working on the bar for our wedding and hanging out in the shop

Another highlight of our weekend was this little girl showed up in our barn Friday night. 
Saturday morning we all thought we were hearing a duck but were like there is no way.
Then JK went to the barn and found her in there. She has an old wound around her neck that is all scabby and hopefully not infected so we have been doctoring her neck and are letting her stay in the basement in a rabbit hutch. So welcome the new addition to our farm.
She still needs a name.
any suggestions?


  1. Sounds like a fun and relaxing weekend =) I love that you are making your own bar...such a good idea!!

  2. So cute!!! How awesome. I want a farm :) How about Penny?

    PS I love the bar!~ What an awesome idea!

  3. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your bar Britt! That's awesome!!!!!!!!! Great job to the guys for building it! The duck is really cute too! I think Patches would be a cute name because she has black and white patches :)


Thanks so much for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment and I will get back to you. Hope you have a great day!