Friday, December 15, 2017

Rowan's First Santa Experience

On Black Friday my Uncle and Aunt asked me to accompany them to the Christmas Tree Farm to get some family pictures of them for their Christmas card and they have not had an updated picture in years. I was so excited and I love doing photo sessions for family because if the weather permits it my little sidekick gets to tag along!

I met them at Timbuk Farms in Granville and we boarded an old school bus along with lots of other families to go out to the trees. The atmosphere was toxic with happiness and lots of traditions! Timbuk allows you to bring your dogs too which I thought was awesome. 

After we took pictures and got back to the main building we found out that Santa Claus was there for the day. Even though Anthony was not with us I wanted to let Rowan check this guy out for the first time. It was great because unlike our mall Santa there were no professional photographers with pricey photo packages so I was able to snap away on my own camera. 

Rowan loved the big guy and didn't think anything about it, I don't think we will get as lucky next year. This same Santa and Mrs. Claus are the same that visit our family Christmas party every year so hopefully I am able to get some more candid shots of Rowan with him this Saturday!

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