Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Accepting Change

I recently saw this on my Pinterest feed and had to repin it.
With all the changes I have had to make in the last couple of months this really hit close to home.
Life is scary.
Change is uncomfortable.
But life is full of both of these.
Unfortunately in the past I have found myself more often than not regretting decisions I have made.
I don't typically let this regret override my life or change my happiness but alas it still sits there in the back of my mind taunting me.
Here lately I have been trying to eliminate that regret and doing what makes me happy.
Doing so I have found myself smiling more often.
Getting along with family & friends.
Laughing at myself.
Not stressed out.
Loving Life!!

Well that is the end of my random post of the day!!
I hope you all are finding yourself letting go of regret and 
making yourself happy even when it doesn't seem possible.

1 comment:

  1. Amen to that! I always let the regrets and what if's taunt me! Good for you for letting it go and enjoying life living with no regrets! :)


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