Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Miss Molly Turns Eight

We celebrated Molly turning eight years old by going back in time to the local skating rink, The Lindarena. Lots of family turned out and a handful of Molly's friends from school. Anthony and I laced up our skates and after one lap around my legs were already feeling the burn. Aunt Lori ended up getting the rink for two hours so it turned into quite the workout. My Dad showed us all up and was skating around backwards and in and out of all of us just trying to stay vertical! After cake, presents and some more skating it was time to turn in the skates and try to get used to walking again. We finished the night with pizza and salads at Adornetto's with the family. It is so hard to believe that 8 years ago Anthony and I babysat Maddy and Vincent while Molly Anne was born and we rushed them to the hospital as soon as we got the okay. We were there within enough time that they had not yet been taken out of the delivery room and we became the first people to meet this little angel. From the day this little girl has held a little space in my heart. She has definitely grown into a funny, adorable and sweet 8 year old and we cannot wait to watch her grow up more in the next year!


  1. It has been so long since I've been to a skating rink. What fun! Hope she had a great time. They grow way to fast! My niece is turning 7 this month, it just flew by.

  2. Happy Birthday to the sweet girl! I haven't been to a skating rink in SO long - it was THE place to hang out in the sixth grade... those were the days!!


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