Saturday, September 23, 2017

Seven Months of Rowan Christine

Lucky number 7, this month definitely threw us some curve balls but this is the first month I have felt like I am really sailing through this with very little waves.

Here are Rowan's 7th Month Photos and Updates…


  • She is finally in the 18 pound range but still in the same 6-9 month clothes and in size 3 diapers
  • She is sleeping on her back and aside from a couple restless mornings she is still sleeping through the night and in her own bedroom now!
  • Little girl gave us our first major scare this month. She had a little accident and hit her mouth off the footboard on our bed and knock her two little bottom teeth into the back of her mouth. I was at work and she was hanging out with Daddy for the day. He rushed her to our family dentist and then to a pediatric dentist who ended up pulling her two bottom teeth out. So now we are back to square one in the teething department but she was so strong through the whole thing.
  • She is officially a crawler and is also pulling herself up on the edge of the couch and attempting to walk along it.
  • She is still getting the hang of holding her own bottle but still loves her Mommas milk. 


Blonde hair, blue eyes and lots of smiles and laughing as always!


We moved Rowan's crib into her room this month and she has been doing amazing. Her sleep schedule has changed around a little bit but we adjusted to that schedule and we are all back to getting some good sleep around here.


Little Miss has been waking up around 5AM to nurse and sometimes fall back asleep or stay awake until 7:30 then she is back to sleep for a couple hours in the morning. She usually takes an afternoon nap and then is awake again in the evening un 10/10:30 if we are able to keep her up that late.


We are still going strong in the Momma's milk department and we have introduced some purees. In the beginning Rowan loved trying all the new stuff but in the last two weeks she has changed things up and isn't really wanting any of the food so we are back to milk and a couple attempts of food in the morning.

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