3 hours to go...
Aubrey and I pulled into the parking lot
the plan was for Anthony to be standing down in this field by the reception hall
underneath a tree, tucked back in the woods surrounding the field
Aubrey sent the photographers that way to make sure he was there
After the Okay to head that way my best friend helped me walk the mile long walk to the field
Up until this moment there were so many butterflies fluttering around in my belly
After we crossed the railroad tracks and I saw my groom standing there
all the butterflies calmed down their little partay
We had not talked about this
how we would do it
we just went with the flow
Anthony had his back to me and I walked up to him
tapped him on the shoulder
and he turned around
I couldn't quit kissing him
he looked so handsome
and his presence just made everything perfect for the day
next stop...
St. Thomas Church
there are people waiting and "I Do's" to be said...