Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wow I have been such a horrible blogger here lately. 
So much has been going on and I guess I just got caught up in the day to day and didn't get a chance to actually document it on here like my intentions always have been. But hey isn't that what we are supposed to be doing? Living life?!
I used to be very consumed with getting every little detail documented into a blog post so my readers could know everything that was going on. I think I was so consumed with this that I wasn't living life to the fullest. From now on if I seem a little MIA it is most likely because I am really busy having fun, spending time with family, working out, getting ready for the wedding and little shaninigans that come along with tying the knot or studying my hiney off because I have slacked off for the beginning of this semester and I need to get caught up before my grades start showing that I am having too much fun outside of school.

Anyways whats been going on?

spending time with this little girl

Purchasing a new car for muah!!!!

Surprise birthday for my Great Aunt
going hiking with my babe, when the weather actually permits. 
The day we took this hike it was in the 70s the very next day it was snowing and freezing outside!
 Going to the carwash for the first time with my new car because someone got it really dirty
 Shopping trips with Shalene to Easton
 We got a little sidetracked going to the boot store.

 First time this has happened before...Small Car Parking
 It has became my little tradition that I have to stop at Planet Smoothie whenever I go to Easton. 
I tried the Shagadelic smoothie this time. It wasn't the greatest but I did enjoy it!
 Saturday we went to the Deer and Turkey Expo in Columbus to watch Shane call in the Calling Competition and do some shopping at the Expo
 Shane got 1st place in the state competition for the 8th year in a row!!

 I ended up buying some tshirts, another pair of shotgun shell earrings, and some floor mats for my car and Anthony's truck. I love the little turkey tracks on them!!! These were only $20 and they came with an air freshner and a mossy oak mousepad.

As for the wedding planning, over Spring Break we got a lot done! 
Most of it I cannot share in pictures on here because they are too much detail and will spoil all the surprises. Don't worry though I will be doing many more detailed posts after the wedding.
But the wedding invitations came, I got all my little details done for myself for the wedding, the guys tuxes have been picked out and the shower has been planned. 
Everything has been so exciting and fun to plan.
Now I am down to 12 weeks and am starting to get a little anxious and worried about running out of time. 
Who am I kidding I have been planning this wedding long before I had my ring on my finger and Anthony popped the question. I knew long ago that he was the man I was going to marry!! Its great to finally see it all coming together!!!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

I work out..

I have attempted to write this post like 10 million different times this weekend
okay maybe only 3 or 4 but really I didn't think any of it sounded right.
Let alone the pictures I am posting.
But I know that if I do not write this I will be regretting it in the future.
50 days ago I started my exercising and clean eating lifestyle change journey.
I thought originally I was going to fail and chalk it up to just another dieting fad.
Then I got a little bit more encouragement and positive thoughts and decided I could do this.
I have always wanted to be a runner but never thought I had in me.
On January 12th I ran 1 mile
It was actually split into halves and it took me almost 15 minutes to do them
and honestly I was probably wogging.
This same day I weighed 157 lbs.
seeing these numbers on the scale literally made me sick!
When I graduated in 2009 I weighed a measly 120 lbs.
I know, I know...everyone has told me that I look way too skinny but since then my body has changed majorly. Womanhood has set in and I have gotten bigger hips and bigger boobs.
I really want to see what I would look like weighing 125-130 lbs with my body in
a different structure. 
Here I am at my largest.
Excess flab and little to no muscle tone
My goal is to be 130 by our wedding and have muscle tone
oh and a 6 pack would be very nice.
Here are some pics I have taken after working out to document my progress
and to show that I am actually sweating! 

On Friday I beat my PR for a mile...
1 mile in 9:14!!!
I was so pumped
My previous record was 10:35 on Wednesday
Today I ran 3 miles in 36:45
I decided today that I am going to run a 5K this summer!
As for the weightloss I am seeing positive results here too
January 11, 2013 - 157 lbs
February 20, 2013 - 146.5 lbs
February 27, 2013 - 144 lbs
so I am currently down 13 lbs!!!
Aside from the weightloss my attitude has been so much better and my drive to actually workout has been amazing. I am actually excited about going to the gym and getting my sweat on!!!